Submit an editorial article so it can be considered for publishing.
  • Editorial Guidelines (Please read)

    1. Editorial submissions must be informative, educational, or newsworthy. They can include tips, strategies, ideas, techniques, case studies, analysis, opinions, and commentary.

    2. Articles are to be written in second or third person, avoid personal pronouns such as "I", "My", "We" and "Us". Use "You" language or third person, for example "He", "She", "It" or "They".

    3. The combined Word Count of your Intro Text, Main Text and Concluding Paragraph must NOT exceed 700 words.

    4. Editorial space in Node News is run at no charge and therefore no reference of business or company names are to be referred to in the body of articles.

    If you wish to advertise and promote your products or services, you can certainly do so by booking paid advertising/advertorial space.

    5. Editorial submitted by those who are not current members of LAQ will only be given consideration if paid display advertising has also been booked.
  • This is the title of your editorial.
  • This is the introduction paragraph for your editorial.
  • This is where you insert the Main Text of your editorial submission.
  • This is the concluding paragraph for your editorial.

    This information will be used to create a footnote for your article.
  • For publication.
  • For publication.
  • For publication.
  • For publication.
  • For publication.
  • This email is only for LAQ to make contact with you. It is not for publication.

    All photos accompanying your editorial submission need to be uploaded as JPG or PNG in high resolution (being 300dpi or higher). If your files are larger than 10MB please call 0403 782 795 to discuss.


    Thank you for completing a Node News editorial submission form.

    Before clicking the SUBMIT button please ensure that you have completed all fields and thoroughly proofread all of your text.

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