All applications are electronically submitted. Handwritten mailed applications will not be accepted. Primary Applicant (mentor) and Co-Applicant (mentee) must complete the application together. NAFCC will accept one application per duo. A duo comprises two applicants from the same state – a Primary Applicant (mentor) and a Co-Applicant (mentee).
The National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) welcomes all members of NAFCC to apply to our premier leadership program. Leaders Shaping Leaders is a fellowship program exclusively for Family Child Care Educators. Leaders Shaping Leaders is intended to cultivate FCC leaders and impact tomorrow’s early care and education system. Leaders Shaping Leaders is an exclusive NAFCC membership benefit. If you are not a member of NAFCC, you are welcome to purchase a membership and apply for our Fellowship Program.
The 2025-2026 Leaders Shaping Leaders (LSL) Fellowship is a FREE, virtual, one-year, 30 session program that combines association leadership, business strategies, public policy, and citizenship skills into a curriculum to promote the best interests of family childcare educators and the families they serve. In addition, you will be exposed to a network of peer mentors with diverse experiences, shared practices and current strategies that can be immediately be applicable to participants’ professional situations.
The one-year fellowship program is designed by the National Association for Family Child Care in partnership with the National Parent Leadership Institute and National Women's Law Center to support a community of family childcare leaders. Thirty applicants, consisting of both established and emerging leaders, will be selected to participate in the program.
LSL aims to:
• Help FCC leaders sharpen their ability to sit as expert representatives of home-based childcare in their local and state communities.
• Increase positive FCC leader interactions and improve association success through membership engagement.
• Build awareness of best business practices for association viability and support participating FCC leaders in financial planning for their futures.
• Train FCC leaders to be active participants in the democratic process and participate in community policy development and problem resolution.
The experience of the Leaders Shaping Leaders includes:
• Participation in a community of practice and opportunities to network with other FCC leaders
• An initial virtual two-day retreat.
• Bi-weekly, two-hour virtual educational sessions that focus on knowledge about the change process, skill-building, leadership development, and tools of civic engagement
• Community project designed by each leader pair
• Resources, support, and technical assistance that enhances their leadership experience
• A celebration at the completion of the fellowship
Why join?
• To expand your network of FCC advocates across the nation.
• To increase your professional and leadership toolkit.
• To become a community agent of change.
• To start or grow your family childcare network or association.
• To secure your business legacy.
• To start or grow your family child care association
A Primary Applicant is a Family Child Care Professional:
• With at least five years of experience as a family child care provider
• Takes formal or informal action on behalf of family child care
• Is ready to invest in themselves, their communities, their career and leave a legacy
A Co-Applicant is a Family Child Care Professional:
• With a least one year of experience as a family child care provider
• Who has been identified as an emerging leader by the Primary Applicant to help continue the legacy of family child care
• Is ready to invest in themselves, their community, and career
Who should apply?
• Seasoned leaders looking to work with the next generation of FCC leaders.
• FCC educators looking to start or expand their FCC group or organization.
• FCC professionals who want to go deeper into the public policy process.
• Anyone who has taken a stand for children, families, and FCC.
• Those who want to be a part of the decisions and policies that affect home-based child care.
Fellowship Expectations
• This fellowship is an investment of time. Over one year, Fellows will meet biweekly for thirty sessions on Saturday's from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Est & Thursday's from 7:30-9:30 pm Est Including a two-day virtual retreat.
• Have access to high-speed internet.
• Electronic device capable of zoom.
• State Teams will be required to complete a community project and homework assignments.
Primary Applicant (mentor) and Co-Applicant (mentee) must provide the following information (One application per state team)
Primary Applicant (mentor)
• Personal Statement/Letter of Interest – Tell us about yourself: What draws families to you? Why do you keep doing this work? Why did you apply? (500-word maximum)
• What issues concern you for family childcare and the communities they serve?
• What skills would you like to learn to be a strong family childcare leader?
Co-Applicant (mentee)
• Personal Statement/Letter of Interest – Tell us about yourself: What draws families to you? Why do you keep doing this work? Why did you apply? (500-word maximum)
• What issues concern you for family childcare and the communities they serve?
• What skills would you like to learn to be a strong family childcare leader?
Primary Applicant Only - Please write a letter of recommendation for the family childcare educator you will be bringing on this journey with you as a mentee. (500-word maximum)
Primary Applicant Only – Please provide us with a letter of recommendation from an organization you have worked within your community (500 words maximum)
Selection Process.
Phase 1 - Applications are accepted from January 31,2025 - March 7, 2025. Only complete applications meeting all qualifications will be reviewed.
Phase 2 - Fellows selected for interviews will be notified within 14 days of application closing date. Interviews will be scheduled from March 21, 2025 – to May 30, 2025. Both the primary applicant and co-applicant will need to be available to interview together. The interviews will be conducted online via a committee composed of NAFCC staff and our LSL Partners.
Phase 3 – On June 13, 2025, final selections will be made, and teams will be invited via email to participate in NAFCC Leaders Shaping Leaders Fellowship Program Cohort V.
The 2025 -2026 LSL Fellowship Program is scheduled to start August 14, 2025. You will receive a digital syllabus and schedule upon acceptance into the program.