Test Your Bible Knowledge Book 3 Part One
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  • True False
    1. The church was built on Christ, not on Peter. ( P.6, #9)
    2. John the Baptist was never a member of the church. (P.6, #10)
    3. On the Day of Pentecost 3,000 people were baptized for the remission of sins. (P.7, #16)
    4. Jesus said that His Kingdom was of this world. (P.8, #19)
    5. Since there are many races and nations in the world, God expects each of them to worship Him and different religions. ( P.10, #25)
    6. Wherever we find men giving their allegiance fully to Christ, we find the Kingdom of God.. (P.9, #23)
    7. God's only Law for the citizens of Christ's Kingdom (the church) is the Old Testament. ( P.10, #27)
    8. The Apostles were continually converting people from Judaism. (P.10, #25)
    9. As the New Testament was being written, God protected the church (members) from error through one infallible man. (p. 13, #40)
    10. Man-made religious laws and religious traditions are needed in addition to the Bible. (P.10, #28)
    11. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. (P.10, #28)
    12. Man is strictly warned not to add to God's Word. (P.11, #30)
    13. The addition of religious laws and human traditions have resulted in the many denominations in our day. (P.11, #30)
    14. Forgiveness of sins and other spiritual blessings are enjoyed only by those within God's kingdom. (P.12, #33)
    15. God ads the ones who are saved to the church. Therefore, it is false to believe a person can first be saved and then later become a member of the church. (P.12, #35)
    16. The word "church" means a building. (P.12, #34)
    17. The church has two heads: one on earth, and One in heaven. (P.12, #36)
    18. Those outside God's Church- Family are still lost in sin. (P.13, #38)
    19. At first the early Christians were led directly by the Holy Spirit
    20. The New Testament is the only true source of information about God's church. (P.13, #39)
    21. Complete copies of the New Testament Scriptures were circulated amng the congregations hundreds of years before the discovery of modern printing methods. (P.13, #40)
    22. Since God does not have a plan or pattern for His church, He has left men free to follow their own religious ideas. (P.14, #41)
    23. Anywhere people conform to God's blue-print in the New Testament for starting a church, they are starting a new denomination. (P.14, #41)
    24. God gave Christ to be head over all things to the church. (P.15. #45)
    25. Since Christ purchased the church with His blood, a person must be in the church to enjoy salvation through Jesus' blood. (P.13, #37)
    26. God's pattern for the church includes all the distinctive features which it had in the days of the apostles. (P.14, #42)
    27. A person must remain faithful to Christ and the church in order to be saved. (P.13, #37)
    28. Christ forbids the use of the title "Father" in the church. (P.13, #38)
    29. Those who truly love God will be content with the church just as Jesus first gave it to man. (P.14, #43)
    30. Jesus said, "Upon this rock I will build my churches." (p.14, #43)
    31. Jesus is not interested in the unity of all believers. (P.16, #49)
    32. It does make a difference to which church we belong. (P.14, #43)
    33. The early churches did not wear differing religious names. (P.15, #48)
    34. Jesus prayed that all believers remain united in Him. (P.16, #49)
    35. Jesus said, "There shall be many folds, and One Shepherd." (P.16, #51)
    36. Over 250 religious bodies found today present a divided Christendom which is direct conflict with Jesus prayer for unity. (P.16, #50)
    37. The New Testament gives God's unique pattern for organizing local congregations of the church. (P.16, #51)
    38. The church was read about in the Bible has an earthly headquarters and an earthly head. (P.18, #57)
    39. An elder can have authority over several congregations. (P.17, #53)
    40. Elders have spiritual oversight only over their own particular congregation. (P.17, #53)
    41. Just any Christian may serve scripturally as an elder. (P.17, #53)
    42. Elders in a local congregation should be honored with special religious titles such as "Pastor" or "Reverend." (P.17, #55)