Work Experience Employer Agreement Spring 2024

The WE Employer Agreement is completed before the start of the term by the Site Supervisor in order to agree to supervise a student's WE placement and for the student to receive an add/permission # to enroll in a WE course. Please review all WE requirements, steps to enroll, and district resources at the SDCCD Work Experience website.

Questions or need accommodations? Please email the designated SDCCD campus Work Experience Coordinator for more information:

City College - Nicole Vargas |
Mesa College - Shawn Fawcett |
Miramar College - Kyoka Hashimoto |

    Work Experience is an academic class associated with a student's internship/employment/volunteer position which can be directly related to an occupational goal or for students to develop workforce competencies through General Work Experience. This is a great opportunity for our students to be supported by SDCCD faculty while gaining real-world experience and for our employer Site Supervisors to nurture training of in-demand skills to develop qualified candidates for your industry. Work Experience college credit is earned based on 75 hours of paid work or 60 hours of unpaid internship/volunteer work per unit the student is enrolled.

    Work Experience courses require each student to develop 3 SMART Learning Objectives (projects, tasks, skills) that they will work on during the semester. Please review the SMART Learning Objectives Resource Guide with examples as a tool to help you and the student develop their goals for this course.


    BEGINNING OF TERM: Collaborate with student and Work Experience instructor at an in-person visit to your company to develop work objectives, projects, or skills for the student to achieve throughout semester.

    DURING TERM: Oversee daily tasks and responsibilities of the student. Check in to answer questions and ensure progress of objectives, projects, and skills.

    END OF TERM: Evaluate the student’s work performance, growth of skills, completion of projects, and approve Work Experience hours. Provide written and verbal feedback on the student’s performance.

    WE Credit & Hour Requirements - WE Hours Must Be Completed Within Course Dates:
    1 unit - 60 Hours Unpaid | 75 Hours Paid
    2 units - 120 Hours Unpaid | 150 Hours Paid
    3 units - 180 Hours Unpaid | 225 Hours Paid
    4 units - 240 Hours Unpaid | 300 Hours Paid

    Please view the following resources for additional details and specific responsibilities of the employer Site Supervisor:

    SDCCD Work Experience Employer Overview

    SDCCD Work Experience Internship Labor & Employment FAQs

    SDCCD Work Experience Education Handbook

    NOTE: Please contact the student to be supervised to complete this section. Information may also be found in notification email sent to Site Supervisor - Scroll down to view Student WE Application.
  • List name of student to be supervised by employer/organization
  • SDCCD Student ID #
  • Work Experience credit is awarded based on 75 hours of paid work/internship or 60 hours of unpaid internship per unit the student is enrolled.

    WE Credit & Hour Requirements - WE Hours Must Be Completed Within Course Dates:
    1 unit - 60 Hours Unpaid | 75 Hours Paid
    2 units - 120 Hours Unpaid | 150 Hours Paid
    3 units - 180 Hours Unpaid | 225 Hours Paid
    4 units - 240 Hours Unpaid | 300 Hours Paid
  • Work Experience credit is awarded based on 75 hours of paid work/internship or 60 hours of unpaid internship per unit the student is enrolled.

    WE Credit & Hour Requirements - WE Hours Must Be Completed Within Course Dates:
    1 unit - 60 Hours Unpaid | 75 Hours Paid
    2 units - 120 Hours Unpaid | 150 Hours Paid
    3 units - 180 Hours Unpaid | 225 Hours Paid
    4 units - 240 Hours Unpaid | 300 Hours Paid
  • Work Experience credit is awarded based on 75 hours of paid work/internship or 60 hours of unpaid internship per unit the student is enrolled.

    WE Credit & Hour Requirements - WE Hours Must Be Completed Within Course Dates:
    1 unit - 60 Hours Unpaid | 75 Hours Paid
    2 units - 120 Hours Unpaid | 150 Hours Paid
    3 units - 180 Hours Unpaid | 225 Hours Paid
    4 units - 240 Hours Unpaid | 300 Hours Paid

    Please provide some details about the student's work experience placement.
  • Assigned person at company to supervise & evaluate student during SDCCD Work Experience.
  • - -
  • Interested in having your company be promoted as a SDCCD Work Experience Employer Partner?

    INSTRUCTIONS: Upload a high-resolution image of your company logo as a PNG or JPEG file (minimum pixels 600 x 600) to be added to our SDCCD and/or campus Work Experience website(s).

    The employer/mentor and the college agree to provide the necessary supervision and guidance to ensure maximum educational benefit from this work experience. The employer/mentor will verify the hours completed by the student during the course term. San Diego Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of national origin, religion, sex, age, medical condition, mental or physical disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or Vietnam era veteran status in its acceptance, assignment, treatment, evaluation, or compensation of students who participate in programs sponsored or arranged by San Diego Community College District. Employers who sign this agreement are expected to uphold this policy in their selection of prospects for employment, educational process or activities.

    PAID WORK EXPERIENCE: The student and organization understand that no employment agreement exists between the student and the San Diego Community College District. It is understood that the organization will provide adequate protection for their paid student/employee through workers' compensation and general liability insurance as required by law. The organization shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the San Diego Community College District, its officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all liability, loss, expense, attorney's fees, or claims of injury or damages arising out of the performance of this agreement.

    The employer/mentor and the college agree to provide the necessary supervision and guidance to ensure maximum educational benefit from this work experience. The employer/mentor will verify the hours completed by the student during the course term. San Diego Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of national origin, religion, sex, age, medical condition, mental or physical disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or Vietnam era veteran status in its acceptance, assignment, treatment, evaluation, or compensation of students who participate in programs sponsored or arranged by San Diego Community College District. Employers who sign this agreement are expected to uphold this policy in their selection of prospects for employment, educational process or activities.

    UNPAID WORK EXPERIENCE: The student and organization understand that no employment agreement exists between the student and the organization. The San Diego Community College District will provide adequate protection for the student through its workers' compensation insurance as required by law. The organization agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the San Diego Community College District, its officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all liability, loss, expense, attorney's fees, or claims of injury or damages arising out of the performance of this agreement, but only in proportion to and to the extent such liability, loss, expense, attorney's fees or claims for injury or damages are caused by or result from the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of the organization, its officers, agents or employees.

    Please provide the following details and contact information if you will not be the assigned Site Supervisor for a SDCCD Work Experience student, but you are authorized to approve and sign the Employer Agreement on behalf of your company.
  • Assigned person at company authorized to approve and sign Employer Agreement
  • - -

  • Please use your computer mouse cursor or finger on a tablet to physically sign your name as you would for a wet signature.

    If you have previously started the form and selected "Save & Resume Later," click on the "Clear/Delete" link in the bottom right corner of the signature field. This will clear the field and allow you to sign and submit the form.
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  • Need to finish this form later? Click “Save & Resume Later” at the bottom of this form to generate a unique URL with the information you've entered. Copy/paste the URL link to email yourself. Later or at a site visit, click on the link in your email to open the form and enter any remaining information or add a signature to submit.