POC Summary (Form and Hotline)- HISC Care Managers

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Patient Master - Issues

POC EMF Form for CGs to fill out
List of Patients per RN

Password = EMFDec2021! (as of Jan 2022)
  • Date reviewed is usually yesterday thru this morning

  • Chat group #1 = Priorities (POCs & Calls). This group is to track Patient Care related issues

    Chat group #2 = CGs (POC/O/N, Lateness). This is to track CGs who fail to report Patient Care related issues after/ during each shift
  • Observing and Reporting is one of the most important tasks we teach CGs

    In a nutshell

    1. anything of grand importance (that cannot/ should not wait) needs to be reported asap via telephone call

    2. things of importance that can wait can and should be reported on the POC Summary (whether online form or leaving message on CC telephony) at end of shift
  • This channel and this endeavor are to discover and report

    1) Sick clients issues
    2) 911 calls and hospitalized clients
    3) Incidents related to clients/ Cgs (falls, trauma)
    4) Complaints related to a client
    5) Anything that can relate to the welfare of a client, a caregiver or the agency
  • We document this in the following areas

    1) Glip
  • Task #1 - Deal with yesterday's POC Summaries

  • Understood
  • 1) Go to Chat group = Priorities (POCs & Calls)
    2) Copy and paste yesterdays Priority A and B in its entirety as such

    (*) POC Summary Priorities

    We need to review how these issues were dealt with yesterday

    [copy and paste yesterdays]

  • 1) Many issues need to be reported to the family and/or MD

    2) copy and paste in chat


    DO any of these issues need to be communicated to MD and/or family/ client rep?
  • If need be, have CMS remind or call RN by copying and pasting to CMS

    (*) POC SUmmary review from yesterday

    [Name RN(s)] has not yet responded to all of yesterdays POC SUmmaries
  • Throughout the day, look at live view to see if someone clocked in and out and

    1.Create a brand new shift identical to the original one with all proper info
    2. Manually clock the cg in
    3. Delete the bad shift
  • When reviewing this form, only choose the following 3 fields

    1. Your name
    2. Patient Name
    3. Date (calendar icon)

  • -Step 1. Date Range on the Client Schedules by Date report are the day being reviewed (yesterday) to the same day (yesterday).

    -Step 2. Sort Excell report by Scheduled Clock In and erase all 12:00 AM clock-ins (be careful not to erase 12:00 PM clock-ins). Then sort again by client's name. Excell report is clean.

    Step 3. Open a new tab on the POC Summaries spreadsheet, copy and paste the Excell report and name the tag with the date being reviewed.

    Step 4. On Clear Care Live View/Daily Clients sort shifts in red (missed clocked in or out) and add it manually to the list.
  • -POC reviews are shown as a General Comment on the CC dashboard.

    -Check off Filter Alerts - Listen to all General Comments as you fill out the POC Summaries spreadsheet.

    -ALWAYS double check missing General Comments by opening the Client's Daily Care Log on CC. Most of the times you will miss one or two.
  • - Search for yesterday and today's date.
    - How many forms were filled out since yesterday?
    - Read all and check against the POC Summaries spreadsheet.

    user name: hisc.hisc@gmail.com
    PW = Excellence400
  • Add here the sum of B1+B2
  • What percentage of CGs use General Comment (B1) vs Online Form (B2)

    Ex: if C above is 100 (CGs total complied by using B1 and B2 as a total sum) and of those 70 left a general comment (B1) and 30 used the online form (B2), then you would write 70%/30% (70/100 = 70% and 30/100 is 30%)

  • - What percentage of CGs called POC Review Hotline

    -Sum of B1+B2 (C) is what percentage of A: C/A

  • Subtract 90% - C%

    1. Patient related notes need to be in the first box below will email that to the nursing department. Put these in A below

    2. Other non patient related notes need be placed in B below

    3. Call office immediately and dont continue listening if there is an issue FF/CMS or Office sd know about that cannot wait
  • 1. Add name of the CG
    2. Call CG using Switch.co and click so you record all calls
    3. Make a note regarding the call

    Ex: Evril Munroe (MS called her and reviewed all areas of the POC that she was missing)
  • I. Where do you get the POC submissions?

    (a) POC Review Hotline (212-252-2456), *3680
    (b) POC Review online Forms

    II. What do you do after taking notes on all of them

    (a) If there is anything that is important, call CTH, RN or CMS
    (b) Otherwise, just decide if it is a Priority A (not an emergency but deserves quick attention) or Priority B (not an emergency or Priority A but something that we need to kow about )
  • Note: Priority A messages need to be clear in terms of what happened and why. Often times you will need to call the CG for clarification and further details.
  • Re-order them in terms of priority in terms of patient care issues
  • 1. Open spreadsheet
    2. Copy and paste into Column B the entry that acorresponds to that client
  • 1. Go to Whatsapp Group called: Priorities (POCs & Calls)

    2. Copy and paste entire box above in there
  • - Go to CC
    - Click Activity then New task
    - Assignee = RN Assigned to the Patient (see link above called "List of Patients per RN")
    - Relates to = Name of Client
    - Tags = Observing and reporting
    - Description must have the name of the CG who reported this
  • I. What do you do after taking notes on all of them.

    (a) If there is anything that is important, call CTH, RN or CMS
    (b) Otherwise, just decide if it is a Priority A (not an emergency but deserves quick attention) or Priority B (not an emergency or Priority A but something that we need to kow about )
  • 1. Go to Whatsapp Group called: Priorities (POCs & Calls)

    2. Copy and paste entire box above in there
  • 1. Open spreadsheet
    2. Copy and paste into Column B the entry that acorresponds to that client
  • - Go to CC
    - Click Activity then New task
    - Assignee = RN Assigned to this patient (list can be found by clicking here
    - Relates to = Name of Client
    - Tags = Observing and reporting
    - Description must have the name of the CG who reported this
  • ************HR VIOLATIONS********

  • Before submitting this report, you must also write down how your phone call with each CG went with each CG

    Ex: Celina Alleyne/ Harvey Barsha (MS spoke to her and discussed POC website)
  • ************EMAILS********