USWT Friendship Day Certification
The first Sunday in August is Friendship Day. In order to recognize the importance of the fellowship we have within our chapters, an incentive will be awarded to all chapters who celebrate Friendship Day by holding a special event in honor of this day. It can be a social, Ladies Night Out, picnic, overnight trip to the city, etc. These are only a few examples; the possibilities are unlimited. The sole purpose is to get to know your fellow members a little better and to take the time to have some fun with them. Your event can be held any time during August, but this form must be completed no later than September 1 for recognition at Mid-Year Convention.

Responses to the online form will be viewed by the USWT Membership Vice President, and your state contact. Fill in as much information as you know. Upon completion of the form, click Submit; you will receive a confirmation screen if your form has been successfully submitted. (rev 2017)
  • If you are a member of a state organization not listed, please enter your state.
  • Enter the name of the chapter
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  • Enter the name of the event you held in honor of Friendship Day (the first Sunday of August)
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    Enter the date event was held in honor of Friendship Day (the first Sunday of August)
  • Enter the number of members attending the event you held in honor of Friendship Day (the first Sunday of August)
  • Enter the description of the event you held in honor of Friendship Day (the first Sunday of August)