Equine Acupuncture Questionnaire
Please fill out this form as completely as possible.
Horse's Name
What are the main
symptoms that concern
you right now and when did
you first notice them?
Please describe any
work-up for this problem
that has taken place so far.
Please list all current
medications and
Current diet...hay, grain,
Describe any previous
illness, lameness or
Which of these examples
best describes your horse's
Fast moving, excitable, friendly to everyone, social butterfly, doesn’t like to be alone, may be prone to separation anxiety, sensitive.
Friendly, mellow, calm, slow moving, food oriented, sweet and tolerant, caring or nurturing, may tend to be overweight
Aloof, dignified, stand-offish, busy doing his or her own stuff, likes set routines, likes people, but doesn’t really need them. May tend to grieve after major changes or losses.
Shy, worried, alert, noise sensitive, fearful in strange places, around strange people or strange noises
Bossy, athletic, likes to perform, assertive, likes to be in charge, competitive, takes the lead, may have a tendency to be irritable.
Do you have any other
current concerns or any
other information that you
feel may be useful?