6:00 pm
6 class limit
$60 flat fee Payable same as lessons: cash, check made out to WaterGap or through Venmo
Must have entries with parental signature and money turned in by Saturday, June 15. There will be no entries after Saturday.
Rider's name
Lesson teacher's name
Rider's age
under 12
Parental/Guardian info
Rider under 12 Walk
may only enter these classes
1 Walk
2 Walk trot "Leadline"
Rider under 12 Walk-Trot
3 Walk trot
4 Walk trot back
5 Walk trot x rails or pattern
Rider under 12 Walk-Trot
6 Walk trot
7 Walk trot canter
8 Walk trot x rails or pattern
Rider 12-17
9 Walk trot
10 Walk trot back
11 Walk trot x rails or pattern
Rider 12 and over Walk-Trot
12 Walk trot
13 Walk trot canter
14 Walk trot x rails or pattern
Adult Pleasure Horse
15 Walk trot
16 Walk trot back
17 Walk trot x rails or pattern
Any age rider. Judged on the horse
Adult Pleasure Horse
18 Walk trot
19 Walk trot canter
20 Walk trot x rails or pattern
Any age rider. Judged on the horse
Hard copy of entry form is available at the barn. It must be returned with the entry fee and parental signature by Saturday June 15 No entries the day of the show
I have read and agree to the following waiver
I am an adult over 18 years of age and I am executing this release of claim on my own behalf and/or on behalf of my minor child, and on behalf of my heirs, personal representatives and assigns. I understand that horseback riding is a dangerous sport and that serious injury and disability and/or death may result from accidents while riding. I acknowledge the risk I undertake for myself and/or my minor child while riding. I do so voluntarily and agree to release the WaterGap Stables, , its trainers, and its agents, servants and employees from any claims I may have resulting from injury to me or to my minor child. In the event I allow my minor child to ride, I also assume the risk of injury, disability or death of said child. I execute this release and disclosure knowingly and in consideration of being allowed to participate in the WaterGap Stables Lesson Student Show
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