LEARNING AGREEMENT: The student will comply with the Work Experience guidelines and regulations. The instructor will visit the student's place of employment/internship, consult with the employer/mentor regarding the student's job performance, and grant academic credit for successful completion of the program. The employer/mentor and the college agree to provide the necessary supervision and guidance to ensure maximum educational benefit from this work experience. The employer/mentor will verify the hours completed by the student during the course term.
JOB-ORIENTED LEARNING OBJECTIVES: For each semester that a student is enrolled in Work Experience, it is necessary to identify 3 SMART learning objectives (projects, tasks, skills) that the student will work on during the semester. The objectives must be new or expanded job-oriented goals beyond those experienced during previous employment or internships. These objectives are formulated by the student, reviewed and approved by both the supervisor/Site Supervisor and the college instructor to ensure educational value to the students. This is an opportunity for students to integrate or demonstrate the knowledge and skills developed at college into a workplace environment and be intentional about the professional growth that you hope to make within this hands-on experience. Should an objective require revision anytime during the semester, the instructor must be notified.
SMART learning objectives are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Based. Please review the
SMART Learning Objectives Resource Guide as tools and examples to help you develop your goals for this course. Make sure to discuss your proposed tasks, goals, and skills that you'd like to work on this term with your Site Supervisor. SMART Learning Objectives are developed prior to the first site visit. Evaluation and ratings are determined during the second site visit.