• Patient Intake Form For Women

    Thank you in advance for taking the time to fill this out. This information helps me to provide the safest and most effective care for you.
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  • If you are self-employed, please detail your activity so that I can understand what occupation may suggest about your health. Is it sedentary, primarily administrative in nature, or are there any occupational current or prior hazards that might affect your health? Please describe.
  • Height (Ft/In) Weight (Ibs) Waist Measurement (In) Last blood pressure, if known
    Physical Metrics
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  • Please list in priority, note how long you have had these health concerns, what treatments you have tried for these concerns, and the results of the treatments? If you have consulted other healthcare providers for these concerns please include the recommendations and outcome of any treatments advised.
  • For each medication please list why you are taking this and how long.
  • Please describe your family history, include all cancers, cardiovascular disease, blood pressure or cholesterol problems. (For cancers and cardiovascular illness, please note age of person when problem was noted).
  • Please describe your family history, include all cancers, cardiovascular disease, blood pressure or cholesterol problems. With cancers and cardiovascular problems, please note how old person was when problem was noted.
  • Please be advised that NP Melissa does not provide ongoing primary care and that it Is essential for you to remain up to date on recommended screenings, and to promptly report to Melissa any new or concerning symptoms.
  • Women’s Symptom Questionnaire

    Please rate each symptom from 0-4
    0 none 1 mild 2 moderate 3 severe 4 extremely severe
    Hot flashes, sweating
    Heart discomfort (tightness, skipping, racing)
    Sleep problems (difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking too early)
    Depressive mood
    Irritability (tension, nervousness, aggression)
    Anxiety (restlessness, feeling inner panic)
    Physical and mental exhaustion (decreases in performance, impaired memory, decrease in concentration, forgetfulness)
    Sexual problems (change in sexual desire, sexual activity and satisfaction)
    Bladder problems (difficulty urinating, increased need to urinate, incontinence)
    Dryness of vagina, burning, difficulty with sexual intercourse
    Joint and muscle discomfort (pain in joints)