ALS1 Course Approval Form May 2020
ALS1 Course Notification/Approval
(DATE: May 2020)

Please enter a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the course to inform the ARC of the faculty that will be Instructing.

Course Centres need to complete a risk assessment for all courses. This includes the confirming that National, State/Territorial and local Health and Safety, Infection Control and Occupational Safety requirements will be adhered to throughout this course.
  • Course Centres will need to complete a risk assessment for the course facilitation and make a local judgement if it safe to continue.

    This assessment and decision to facilitate the course should include Organisational Executive and possibly others - for example Health and Safety, Infection Control and Occupational Safety teams in completing this evaluation.

    The risk assessment remains the property of the course centre. It does not require submission with the application. It is advised you retain a copy of this assessment.
  • / /
    Day 1 if modular course
  • / /
    First/Earliest date remote learning to be available/completed

    ALS1 Instructors/IC's to be listed on attached form.

    ARC must be advised via email of any amendments to the Faculty details prior to the course.
  • Must be in .doc/.docx format

  • Course Director Details

    Please indicate if Course Director is Instructing on the course and included in minimum faculty.

    Only Director needs to be present for whole course and may opt to teach only part of the course.
  • please state % Instructing
  • In submission of this form you confirm that you will follow national/local Health and Safety, Infection Control, (including Occupational Health and Safety) requirements in facilitation of this course. You also agree to conduct the course according to the current regulations.

Please note you will be sent a copy of this approval form.
In event of faculty changes will need to resubmit a new form for approval.