Lambeth Music Teacher Networks
We are delighted that you would like to join the Lambeth Music Teacher Networks.

Primary and Secondary networks provide music teachers and music coordinators with the opportunity to connect, exchange ideas and resources, learn about music sector updates and find out about opportunities for their schools and their students.

To help us shape future meetings, we have also included a few questions in the form that you can complete if you have attended any previous meeting.

Your feedback is gratefully received.
  • Please provide an appropriate email address that you would be happy to share with network colleagues.
  • Please choose all that apply. We cannot guarantee that we can hold meetings on your preferred days.
  • Please choose all that apply. We cannot guarantee that we can hold meetings at your preferred times.
  • Section Break

    Feedback (optional). Please answer the following questions to help us with future planning.
  • You can copy this link to you browser to view a list of our partner organisations.