Numeral Guard Pin Nomination Form
The Numeral Guard Pin recognizes years of membership in any Girl Scout Council. The numeral guard pin recognizes the total years of membership, including girl and adult years at five year intervals after 25 years as a Girl Scout member.
Honoree's name:
Honoree's current volunteer or community position:
Honoree's email address:
Confirm Email
Honoree's Service Unit:
Please select
101 Brea
102 Fullerton/La Harba
103 La Cypress Park
104 Anaheim
105 Los Alamitos/Rossmoor
201 Placentia
202 Yorba Linda West
203 Yorba Linda East
204 Orange Villa
205 Anaheim Hills
206 Santiago Creek
301 Seal Beach
302 West Garden
303 Huntington Harbor
304 Ocean View
305 HB Pierside
306 Surf City
401 Garden Valley
402 Tustana
403 Tustin East
404 Newport Mesa
405 Newport Harbor
501 South Irvine
502 Heart of Irvine
503 North Irvine
504 Laguna Beach
505 Aliso Viejo
506 Niguel Coast
507 San Clemente
602 Lake Forest
603 Rancho Portola
604 Mission Viejo
605 Rancho Trabuco
606 Oso Valley
607 Ladera Valley
701 Comadres
702 Comadres North
How many years was the Honoree a Girl Scout as a girl?
How many years was the Honoree a Girl Scout as an adult?
Add the two together. What is the total?
Tenure achievements of 25 years or more are recognized at the event. All other denominations of numeral guards can be purchased at the council shop.
Please share a favorite memory of yourself or member as a Girl Scout, or a Girl Scout adult.
(Required, if your total years equal more than 50)
This information may be featured in a GSOC communication and/or website.
Submitted by:
Your name
Your email