HCV: Interim Re-Examination
Housing Authority of San Angelo
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  • Add/Remove? Name of Person Working Gross Payment Frequency Name of Employer
    Income 1
    Income 2
    Income 3
    Income 4
  • Add/Remove? Name of Person Receiving Gross Payment Frequency Name of Employer
    Contributions 1
    Contributions 2
    Contributions 3
    Contributions 4
  • Add/Remove? Name of Person Receiving Amount Received Frequency
    Social Security
    Veterans Benefits
    Alimony/Child Support
    Food Stamps
  • Full Legal Name Relation Date of Birth Gender Disabled Race Ethnicity (Hispanic/Not Hispanic)
  • Add/Remove? Amount Paid Frequency Name of Provider Address of Provider
    Expense 1
    Expense 2
  • Add/Removing? Name of Person Claiming Amount Claimed Name of Provider Address of Provider
    Expense 1
    Expense 2
    Expense 3
    Expense 4
  • Add/Remove? Name of Account Holder Type Of Account Account Number Current Blance Name of Bank
    Asset 1
    Asset 2
    Asset 3
    Asset 4
  • Add/Remove? Amount Paid Frequency Name of Provider Address of Provider
    Expense 1
    Expense 2
  • Head of Household must sign this form certifying accuracy of information provided.

    I certify that the information given to the Housing Authority of San Angelo on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and believe. I understand that false statements or information are grounds for termination of housing assistance. I understand that I can be fined or imprisoned for furnishing false or incomplete information.

    I also understand that I must provide proof of all information provided either by mail, email, or upload to this document.

    Title 18, Section 1001 of the United States Code, stated that a person is guilty of a felony for knowingly and willingly making false or fraudulent statements to any department or agency of the United States.
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