Women’s Business Alliance Scholarship
The New Braunfels Women’s Business Alliance (WBA) is a committee of the New Braunfels Chamber working to increase success of women in business through a forum of continuing education and networking. Additionally, the WBA shares its success with the next generation of women through the provision of educational scholarships to local high school girls.

Scholarships awarded are $1,000.

All applications for the Women’s Business Alliance Scholarship Program must be received no later than March 31, 2023. Late applications will not be accepted.

The following guidelines will be used to determine eligibility and to evaluate applications:

1. Any senior residing in New Braunfels, Texas is eligible to apply for this scholarship.

2.The student must plan to attend a college, university, or trade school in Texas and take a minimum of 12 hours in the semester.

3. The student must have an overall “B” average or above.
  • Student & Family Information

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  • Academic Information

  • Upload a copy of your transcript and any other relevant documents. An unofficial copy of your transcript is acceptable. PDF and image files are the only file types accepted.

    The applicant must have an overall “B” average.
  • Use the space above to provide information on what college, university or trade school in Texas you have applied to or plan to attend and what your concentration will be. If you have already applied to that school, please notate if you have been accepted yet or not.

    Applicants must plan to attend a college, university or trade school in Texas and take a minimum of 12 hours in the semester.
  • Use the space above to list any extracurricular activities, community involvement, and work experience you have. Please include details such as title, location and dates you were involved.
  • Additional Information

  • Upload a one-page essay expressing why you should be considered for this scholarship. The essay plays a critical role in helping the scholarship committee make their selections. We encourage the applicant to spend an adequate amount of time and effort preparing their essay.

    Files should be uploaded as a doc, docx or pdf file.
  • Use the space above to describe yourself in three words.
  • Use the space above to describe your leadership ability. Have you been a leader in high school or another organization outside of school?
  • Use the space above to list personal goals/aspirations, special talents/skills, and anything else that helps define you as an individual.
  • Applicants may upload additional documents, such as a resume or letters of recommendation, that they would like to be considered as part of their application.

    PDF documents are the only file type accepted. All additional documents must be combined into one PDF document.