Puppy Questionnaire

Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Home Phone Number

Cell Phone Number

Your Occupation
Spouses Occupation
Additional information about yourself/family
Do you have children, and if so what are their ages and genders?
Do you own or rent your principal residence?
What type of dwelling do you reside in?
If renting, do you have your landlord's permission to have a golden retriever? And please provide landlord's contact info.
Are there covenant restrictions on owning a dog in your neighborhood?
Do you have a fenced in yard? If so, please describe fencing and yard size.
Do you have gates that can be securely locked?
Is there outside shelter for a dog?
Where will the dog be housed during the day and during the night?
 House/Crate in house 
 Dog run with dog house 
 Yard with dog house 
Do all family members want a new puppy?
Do you currently own a dog? Please describe type/breed/ages.
Do you have any other pets? Please describe type/breed/ages.
Are you committed to care for this dog's needs for his/her lifetime?
Will there be people at home during the day to house train & care for a new puppy? If no, what arrangements will you be making for this new puppy?
Who will be the primary care giver of the puppy?
Have you ever crate trained a puppy or dog?
Are you willing to take this dog to obedience classes so that he/she will become an enjoyable companion and an integral part of your family?
If you ARE CONSIDERING breeding this dog, are you prepared to obtain all of the following necessary clearances before breeding? (OFA Hip & Elbow, CERF Eye, and SAS Heart)
Are you willing to spay/neuter this dog?
For what purpose are you looking for in your puppy (family companion, obedience, breeding, conformation, or field work)?
Do you prefer a male or a female?
What type of personality are you looking for in your puppy?
Have you ever returned a pet to the breeder? If so, what were the circumstances?
Have you ever given a pet away? If so, what were the circumstances?
References: Please provide 2 persons that we could contact for references. If possible, please include the name of your current veternary clinic

Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. We strive to achieve the best placements for our puppies while making every effort to find that right puppy for you.

I understand that this application is just a beginning step in the interview process and it does not automatically entitle me to a dog. Submit when finish. We will contact you via Email as soon as possible regarding the availability of our puppies. ***Thank You***
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