• Select one.
  • mm/dd/year
  • A new form must be completed each session that media abstention is desired.
  • In the event of an accident or illness, I understand that every reasonable effort will be made to contact parent/guardian immediately. However, if I am unavailable, I authorize the KIDSTAGE staff to secure emergency medical care for my child as needed. Although I understand that KIDSTAGE will make every reasonable effort to provide a safe environment, I am fully aware of the special dangers and risks inherent in participating in theatre arts, which may include physical injury or other consequences arising or resulting from the program. I also grant permission for KIDSTAGE staff to take my child off site (within walking distance of the theatre).

    Being fully aware of these risks, I hereby consent to my child's participation in this program and agree to hold Village Theatre and KIDSTAGE staff harmless in any event.
  • I, being the legal guardian of the program participant named above, do also understand that Village Theatre has permission to use his/her name, photograph, likeness, video or voice recording for broadcast or publication in any and all media. I further understand that if I wish to withhold permission for these usages, I must submit a Media Abstention form available through the KIDSTAGE office.