Online PhilaSUG Abstract Submittal Form
Please write and check the spelling of your abstract and bios in a word processor before you enter information about your paper into this application. You can then copy and paste them into the appropriate spaces. Note that formatted text will lose its formatting (bold, italics, and so on) when pasted into this application. If you have any other problems with or questions about this form, please contact
  • Author Information

  • - -
  • (100 words maximum)
  • If you need to add additional authors please include the additional authors in the general comments area above.
  • Abstract Information

  • (125 characters or less)
  • The abstract you provide with this form will be published both on our web site and in our newsletter. It cannot be more than 200 words long.
  • A poster offers the opportunity to present any use of SAS software in display form rather than as a formal oral presentation. Posters are on display throughout the conference. Authors are required to be present by their posters during the mid meeting half hour break, and requested to be at their posters as much as possible during the pre meeting registration/refreshments period, to answer questions as they set up their displays.
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