ACAC Accredited Training Provider
Official Application
  • Instructions

    Use this form to apply for Accredited Training Provider (ATP) status as a provider of ACAC certification exam preparatory courses. Prior to accreditation, ACAC will require that documentation supporting answers to all application items be submitted for review. All correspondence with ACAC must be conducted in English.

    There is a $1,500 annual accreditation fee.

    ACAC accredits training providers according to the following procedure:

    1. Training provider submits complete application, documentation, and application fees.

    2. ACAC grants or denies accreditation based on its guidelines, or requests additional information.

    3. Accredited Training Provider publishes ACAC logo and hyperlink on website per ACAC instructions. Accreditation is contingent upon verified publication of logo and hyperlink.

    4. Accredited Training Provider resubmits accreditation application annually.


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  • Need Help? Call our friendly staff at (888) 808-8381 (M-Th 7 to 4; Fri 7 to Noon, MST)


    Answer the following questions by checking the appropriate response and explaining each answer in the space provided. Be prepared to submit documentation as requested in support of each answer.
  • What qualifications are required of instructors (i.e., industry certification, field experience, etc.)? Who verifies these qualifications?
  • How often is instructor performance evaluated? What method of evaluation is used (i.e., in-class audit, student survey, instructor interview, etc.)?
  • If yes, give the student/teacher ratio. If no, explain how the learning environment is monitored (i.e., in-class audit, student survey, etc.).
  • What qualifications are required of those who develop courses (i.e., industry certification, field experience, advanced degrees, etc.)? Who verifies these qualifications?
  • How are courses evaluated (i.e., in-class audit, review of recordings or presentations, review of syllabus, review of student perofmance, etc.)? Who evaluates them?
  • How are exams evaluated (i.e., psychometric analysis, student survey, review by subject matter experts, etc.)? Who evaluates them?
  • How is exam security protected (i.e., secure electronic delivery, chain of custody, multiple forms of the test, etc.)? Who is responsible for exam security?
  • When and in what form are exam scores reported to students?
  • How long and in what form are student records maintained?
  • How is the confidentiality of student information protected (i.e., secure electronic files, limited access paper files, etc.)? Who has access to this information?
  • What insurance coverage is maintained? Attach documentation of coverage in PDF or JPG format.
  • If yes, list names and acronyms of all certifications offered.
  • Need Help? Call our friendly staff at (888) 808-8381 (M-Th 7 to 4; Fri 7 to Noon, MST)


    Annual accreditation fees are $1,500.

    Pay accreditation fees online at the ACAC website. You may also send a check or money order payable to: American Council for Accredited Certification, PO Box 1000 Yarnell, AZ 85362.

    As a representative of the training provider named in Section 1 of this application, I hereby apply for accreditation as an Accredited Training Provider (ATP). In addition, I make the following statements::

    Check each box and sign below
  • Sign with mouse, touch pen or fingertip as supported by your computer.

    When you click Submit below, your application will be sent to ACAC and copied to your primary email address. Please check the boxes below to indicate you understand the next steps in the accreditation process.
  • You will receive an email from ACAC asking for verification that you personally have signed the affidavit above. Please respond to this email in the affirmative to allow us to continue processing your application.
  • You will receive an invoice for accreditation fees from ACAC at your primary email address.
  • Need Help? Call our friendly staff at (888) 808-8381 (M-Th 7 to 4; Fri 7 to Noon, MST)

  • This field must read "". Do not alter this email address.