Greenstaff Canada - Alzheimer's Awareness Month
In light of Alzheimer’s Awareness Month in January, we would like to share your wisdom with others in the hopes of shedding some light about how to help care for those with Alzheimer’s. We would like to showcase your knowledge on our website and social media pages to create awareness. Kindly complete the questions below (it’ll only take a few minutes).
Please leave your name if you are happy to have this featured alongside your answers.
How long have you been an RMN?
Do you have experience helping those with Alzheimer’s?
If you answered yes to the above, in which setting have you helped them?
Nursing home
At-home care
What skills are necessary to help care for Alzheimer’s patients?
Do you find any particular resources helpful when caring for Alzheimer’s patients (for example, items to give them for distraction, soothing music in the background, etc.)?
What kind of questions do you find are helpful to ask Alzheimer’s patients?
What kind of questions or statements do you feel should be avoided when speaking to an Alzheimer’s patient?
Are there any techniques that you use to help soothe an Alzheimer’s patient when they’re struggling?
How do you deal with the emotional and physical stress that you experience as a caregiver?
Regular breaks
Listen to music
Read a book
Go for a walk
Breathing techniques
What advice can you give new caregivers who are caring for someone with Alzheimer’s?
Do you have any other insight that you could provide about caring for an Alzheimer’s patient?
Do you give us consent to post your answers on our websites and social media?