The word Company herein refers to the business being valued. Please substitute corporation, partnership, LLC or proprietorship as applicable to your business. Similarly, please substitute stockholder, partner, member, or proprietor for owner where applicable. If multiple owners, please supply information for all owners.

All answers should be as of the date of the valuation or earlier. Any important changes to the answers after the date of valuation may be submitted in the "Other Information" field. Asterisks indicate required fields.

If the space allowed is not big enough for your answer, we can discuss the question in more detail on the phone. Some of the multiple choice questions have an "Other" choice to allow for special situations.

This form may be found at http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/mr5TcsC2RffdG

  • Examples: Service and Sales of Electric Motors and Generators. Financial Services, Wholesale Distribution, Retail Sales


  • / /
    Often the last day of the most recent fiscal year is used, e.g. 12/31/2011. Valuations made at the end of a fiscal year date usually have a lower cost as there are less accounting adjustments needed.

    However for certain legal and business transaction purposes, the date of valuation may a date of death, a date of separation or divorce, an original or subsequent investment date for an ESOP or QES plan, etc.
  • Examples: Premises cannot be entered. No financial statements available, etc.
  • If there is more than one owner, enter just the largest salary. If there are equal salaries for more than one owner, just enter one salary.
  • Examples. Patents, trademarks, goodwill already on the financial statements, exclusive territories, exclusive product distribution rights, etc.
  • GAAP is generally accepted accounting principles.
  • Provide any additional information that you think is relevant to the valuation.
  • ===== Contact Information =====

  • Enter alternative business names, if any.
  • - -
  • - -
  • ==== Financial Data =====

  • Financial questions will be forthcoming after review of the data below. Financial data that will be needed include:

    Financial statements: balance sheets and income statements for the last five fiscal years.

    If the date of valuation is not the end of the most recent fiscal year, then an interim year-to-date income statement up to the date of valuation with a comparison to the prior year-to-date up to the date day and month, and a balance sheet as of the date of valuation.

    Federal tax return for the last fiscal year.

    Depreciation schedule / Fixed Asset List

    List of all loans to the Company including balance, interest rates, payment terms, collateral and names of guarantors. (Not needed if listed in CPA prepared statements.)

    Any prior business valuations in the last five years, budgets, annual financial plans, short and/or long term strategic plans
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