Cash, Check or Money Order Only. Credit Cards are NOT accepted at this time.
Make checks payable to City of Texas City.
Limited spots; pre-registration required.
Increase your knowledge and skills with your MOS Pistol (16 Hours)
This course is designed to instruct shooters on the use of the GLOCK pistol with Red Dot Optics. The student can bring another pistol manufacturer to the class but, the lesson plan focuses on the GLOCK pistol.
This course is a dynamic shooting course that requires the ability to stand for long periods of time, shoot on the move, move into, and recover quickly from the kneeling and prone positions.
There will be no time to zero any optics. Your optic needs to be zeroed prior to attending this course.
Equipment Needed:
- MOS Pistol with Optic Mounted already zeroed
- Ammunition Round Count 750-1000 (NO RELOADS)
- 2 dummy rounds
- Eye and ear protection
- A quality strong side holster that covers the trigger and trigger guard
- Minimum of 3 magazine and 2 magazine pouches
- A belt to support the pistol and magazine pouches
Recommended Equipment:
Drinking water
Inclement weather gear (wind/rain)
Sun block
While attending any live-fire weapons training it is recommended to wear personal body armor. For clear recognition of the firearms instructor, he/she will be wearing a red shirt therefore it is requested students not wear red shirts.
Register for this course by filling out and submitting the information below.