This is how we do it.
From Garden to Patient
The only monetarily compensated persons are the
(a) Couriers,
(b) Medicine Providers
(c) Promotional Agents

Patient volunteers are compensated with medicine.

The COMP Medicine program is funded by:
(a) Recreational Users & milder affliction patients.
(b) Medicine donations
(c) Listing fees
  • 1.

    Caregivers, Growers, Patients, Producers and Providers will apply to list their extra medicine on our menu and designate area of coverage by zip codes.
    (Product is tested and every order inspected by assigned paid courier)

    Patients choose and order desired medicine on the order form for their area.

    Once patient documentation / certification is validated by an experienced Patient Volunteer.
    The Producer, Provider or Grower is notified of the ordered products.

    A PAID courier is dispatched to pick up, inspect and verify the contents and quality of the order, before delivering to a PAID Chief Courier.
    Provider will deliver to the PAID Chief Courier, who will then inspect.

    Orders are prepared for safe delivery and assigned to reliable PAID courier.

    We maintain relationships with many providers of the same strains and products to insure availability.
  • Duration & Costs

    This process is not instant. From the day of order to day of delivery can range from 3 days at best, up to 7 days.

    Even with COMP medicine there is unfortunatly a fee for delivery.

    We have to pay the couriers.
    (Minimum cost is $25.00 per delivery)

    We have some expenses and overhead too.
    Non COMP and Recreational patient orders are the major financiers of the Compassion Club cooperation and are crutial to the success.
    We average ($15.00 or .15%) mark up on every order, from Non COMP patients, to help fund the COMP program and operational costs.

    Website host & website design tools, domain names, SSL certifications,
    online services, licensing, accounting services, promotional costs, and referral fees.
  • Your feedback is crutial !!!!!

    Please use our "Feedback" form, as it is a critical part of our quality control.
    Located on our "Classifieds" page.