YN Dollar Request Form

First, tell us who you are and how we can get in touch.
1Tell us who you are and tell us about your first activity2Tell us about your second activity3Tell us about your third activity4Tell us about your fourth activity
Tell us who you are and tell us about your first activity
Tell us about your second activity
Tell us about your third activity
Tell us about your fourth activity
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  • Tell us about your activities

    You can use this form to submit up to four activities at a time. Let's start with activity No. 1.
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  • Use this space to tell us specifically what activity you accomplished. Be sure to include the name and location of your activity, the names of anyone who can verify that you completed the activity (and their contact info, too), and any other information you believe will be helpful.
  • Do you have a document, a photo, a clipping or some other piece of media that will help your description? Attach it here. Multiple files are accepted.
  • $
    List the amount you've earned from this activity. Please consult the chart above to ensure you're entering the correct amount.

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