Eric Smalls Basketball Camp Registration Form
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  • I hereby state that my child is in good normal health and is able to participate in a strenuous physical activity. I recognize that all classes and activities of a physical nature involve some risk and, by registering my child for Eric Small's Basketball Camp, I am representing that I understand the possible risks involved with this type of activity. I give my permission for emergency medical treatment in the event of injury or sickness. I waive and release Coach Corey Warren and Staff, Volunteers and Participants from any and all liability in case of an accident. I Hereby request that my child be admitted to Camp and authorize the directors or any member of the staff to act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention for which I will pay all costs.

    I do hereby grant United Elite Basketball the unlimited right to use and/or produce photographs, videos, movies or recordings that may be used for internal and external promotional and informational activities.

    I also agree to allow my child’s photographs to be published on the United Elite Basketball website and Facebook page as well as for the use of other publications that may be used to promote, advertise or acknowledge the teams’ accomplishments or the mission of the United Elite Basketball organization.

    I waive any and all present or future compensation rights to the use of the above stated materials.
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