Special Education Community Partners Invoices HPCS
This form is for Special Education Community Partners of PCI to submit their invoice for services provided to students of Heritage Peak Charter School.
Per PCI's Invoice Submission Requirements, Community Partners must submit invoices and detail documents as attachments when submitting electronically.
Please be sure that invoices include the following:
- Community Partner's Name, Address, Phone Number
- Name of Charter School
- Full names of student(s)
- Service/activity description
- Date(s) of service/activity
- Time (duration) of service
- Total invoice amount owed
Add File
Add Invoice and Detail document files (must be in .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, or .zip)
Name of Community Partner
Enter the name of your business.
Email Address
Enter your email address to receive confirmation of invoice submission.
Invoice #
Invoice number to reference payment. Must be unique.
Total Balance
This is the amount of the balance on the invoice