Budget Request Form
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  • (Example: ABC Ministry Teen Fling)
  • Requests

    Before requesting funds, please have the name and prices for each vendor you are planning to use. Each vendor should be listed along with the price (or estimate) of any item or service in the specific areas below.

    If there is food being served please attach your requested menu. Budget guidelines are noted on the back of this form. Don’t forget to add the cost of additional kitchen staff in the itemization below as these costs will come out of your ministry budget also (see reverse side for amounts allowed)

    Note: Checks for outside speakers will be made payable directly to the speake
  • Name of vendor/speaker (Ex: Domino's) Name of item/service (Ex: 2 Pizzas) Price per item/service (Ex: $10) Total (Ex: $20)
  • $ .
  • View Guidelines