NRHRC Training Session, Mock Test
Date: Sunday April 7 2024
Location: Colliers Mills WMA
Check in time: 8 am
Registration closes: Saturday March 30, 2024 at 8 pm
Mail check payable to NRHRC to: Fran Kaplan 362 Parkview Way Newtown Pa 18940.
You may register up to 3 dogs on this form. For additional dogs you will need to fill out a new form.
Cost: Pay ONLINE via club website, ONLINE payment is $31.20/dog (Members), $41.50/dog (NON Members).
Pay by check or cash, $30.00/dog members, $40/dog non-members.
Bitches in season: are allowed - please advise the chair so that your dog will be placed last in run order.
The number of groups we will break into will depend on the number of handlers.
Extra birds to take home may be ordered ONLINE at $26.06 EACH. If paying CASH or CHECK, $25.00 each.
All handlers are expected to assist the club throughout the day by setting up, throwing, and cleaning up at the end of the day.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Andrew Hotzman ( must receive notice by April 3rd. Cancellations after that are required to pay for the bird(s) ordered for them @ $30.00/bird.
Liability Waiver:
I hereby accept that the Navesink River Hunting Retriever Club (NRHRC) and the NJ Division of Fish & Wildlife as owners/operators of the grounds are not responsible for any damages and / or injuries sustained to humans, animals and / or property while on the grounds or traveling to and from the grounds. All dog owners, handlers, spectators, and guests recognize that this is an outdoor gunning event and attend at their own risk and agree to hold harmless NRHRC, their officers, the training session committee and the training session property owners / operators from any and all claims of personal property loss, damages, and / or injury.
Training Session Date
April 7
Membership Status
Bird Introduction
Check Here if your dog needs introduction to real/live birds
Dog # 1 name / breed
Training Level
Dog # 2 name / breed
Training Level
Dog # 3 name / breed
Training Level
Liability Waiver
I have read and agree to/accept the terms of the Liability Waiver in the general information section above.
Cancellation Policy
I have read and agree to/accept the terms of the Cancellation Policy in the general information section above.
Extra birds to take home
1 Extra Bird
2 Extra Birds
Once you hit "Submit" you will be directed to the online payment portal. If you are not paying online, you can disregard. Your form was submitted.