American Legion Riders of Missouri Application
Please fill out and hit submit. Then, we will be in touch with you to finish creating your membership.
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  • Your information will not be sold to 3rd parties, as guaranteed in the ALR constitution and privacy rules.
  • Membership Number (Legion, Aux, Sons)
    Post/Unit/Squadron Number
    Please enter your American Legion, Auxiliary, or Sons of The American Legion membership number and which Post, Unit or Squadron you're in. You must be a member of one of the above to become a member of the ALR.
  • If you were recruited by someone, list their name here. Also, if you have any additional comments, this is the place for them.
  • By clicking Submit, you attest that you meet all the requirements established for membership and agree to maintain such eligibility or you forfeit your membership in the American Legion Riders.

    Membership dues to ALR Chapter 13 are only $14 per year. Once submitted, our team will be in touch to finalize everything for you.