2024 National Money Show® Exhibit Application
A separate application is required for each exhibit. Submission deadline is January 4, 2024.
  • Enter name as desired on award.
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  • *Please note regarding Class 7: Any other exhibit may also be entered at the exhibitor’s option. The winner of this class does not advance to best-of-show judging.

  • *If you provide your own cases, they will need to be drilled for ANA security measures.


    To assure that your exhibit is placed in the proper class and evaluated by the correct team of judges, you must state your exhibit title and describe the numismatic purpose of your exhibit in about 100 words, as well as provide a description of the numismatic material you are using to support your theme. The theme statement will be used to describe your exhibit in a booklet that will be distributed in the collector gallery.
  • This inventory may be changed before arriving at the convention.

    An exhibit that has won the best-of-show award at any ANA convention, or an exhibit that has won two first place awards (even in different classes) at National Money Shows, may not be entered again in competition. A new exhibit, using the same numismatic material as was used in the above-mentioned winning exhibits may be entered in competition if the exhibitor can satisfy to the ANA that the exhibit has completely changed in nature.

    If you wish to enter an exhibit that contains numismatic material from a previous winning exhibit into a competitive class, use the space below to provide detailed inventories of the previously winning exhibit and the present exhibit as well as an explanation of how the present exhibit’s presentation differs from that of earlier exhibits. Attach additional sheets if necessary.

    This information will be reviewed by the ANA National Exhibits Coordinator and the ANA Exhibit Committee Chairman who will decide whether to accept the present application. You will be notified in writing of the decision. Should the eligibility of your exhibit come under question during its set-up at the convention, the chief judge, the assistant chief judge or the exhibits committee chairman may reevaluate your exhibit and make a ruling on your eligibility to compete.
  • AGENT(S)


    I will be assisted in placing/removing this exhibit by another person(s), whom I have named below. I understand that EACH DESIGNATED AGENT MUST HAVE A COPY OF THIS FORM TO ACCESS THE EXHIBIT DURING THE CONVENTION WHILE I AM NOT PRESENT. I have made the necessary copies for my agent(s).
    I appoint these individuals as my agent(s) to place in exhibit cases or remove therefrom all coins, tokens, medals, paper money and other items (“my property”) to be included in this exhibit to be on display at the convention named above, and I hereby request the ANA to consent to such appointment. I hereby release the ANA and agree to hold the ANA harmless from all liability for each and every act or omission of my said agent(s) during said convention and for any negligence in releasing all or any portion of my property to any person falsely purporting to be such agent. Without making any exception from the foregoing, it is understood that in any event the ANA’s liability for loss or damage in any situation shall be limited to the sum of $100.00.

    The term “ANA” as used in this paragraph shall also include every officer, board member, committee member and employee of the ANA and the term “my property” shall also include any property in this exhibit that is not owned by me.

    I agree that this application, including my agent’s and the ANA’s consent thereto, must be submitted to the convention exhibit chairman or a member of the exhibit committee before my agent will be permitted to place my property on exhibit, and the receipt set forth below must be signed by such agent before s/he shall be provided with display case keys for the removal of my property at the close of the convention.
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    I (we) consent to act as the agent(s) named in the foregoing application.
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    I hereby acknowledge receipt on the date hereof of all of the property referred to in the foregoing application and heretofore placed on display at the convention referred to herein.

    Please provide your electronic signature to agree with the terms and conditions A through F below.
  • A) If this exhibit is entered in group A (judged exhibits), all numismatic material in this exhibit is my and/or my spouse’s personal property, or, if this is a club exhibit in group A, all material is the property of the club or association, and none is the property of any individual member of the club. (see rule 1A(2) for YN sibling exhibits)

  • B) If it is necessary to cancel this exhibit, I agree to notify the exhibit coordinator by mail, telephone, fax or email as soon as I
    know that I must cancel.

  • C) I understand that no electrical outlets will be provided.

  • D) I understand that exhibit cases will be opened ONLY when I (or my agent) and a member of the exhibit chairman’s staff
    are BOTH present.

  • E) I have read and agree to abide by the American Numismatic Association’s rules for exhibiting.

  • F) OFFICIAL CLOSING TIME: 4:00p.m. Saturday March 16, 2024. I agree to keep my exhibit in place until the official
    closing time unless by reason of an emergency situation I have secured written approval from the ANA exhibit
    coordinator for an earlier departure.


    I HAVE READ AND SIGNED this application. In consideration of receiving exhibit space without cost or other form of consideration, I hereby release the American Numismatic Association, all participating and sponsoring clubs and their officers, members, committees, agents and servants, in their official and/or individual, personal capacities, from any liability for loss, damage or destruction (through negligence or otherwise) of numismatic items that I display. The foregoing does not, however, limit the liability of any individual who may personally be guilty of theft, willful damage or destruction of numismatic material.

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  • Section Break

    A description of the section goes here.