Dear Parent/Guardian,

Immanuel Wentzville uses pictures of students to share classroom activities with parents, to promote events taking place at our school, and occasionally for school publicity. Please indicate the following for your child.
  • I give permission for my child to be featured in photographs and/or videos to be used in flyers/publications (print or online) for Immanuel Lutheran School.
  • I give permission for my child to be included in pictures taken for classroom use and internal use only, such as private classroom Facebook pages and class newsletters.
  • Your child’s first name may accompany their photo, but no last name will be included with your child’s picture when publishing. Please be sure to complete this form and include each child in your family that attends Immanuel Lutheran-Wentzville.


Immanuel Lutheran School

632 E Hwy N

Wentzville, MO 63385