Breakout Session Speakers for THRIVE! 2018:
Request for Proposals
Want to be a featured presenter at our December 4, 2018 conference for the arts, cultural, history and creative community? Want to share your work with your peers and raise awareness of your organization or business.
Breakout session speakers will present the same session twice, 20 minutes with 10 min. for Q & A. Full AV available. Presentation with other visuals encouraged (ppt, video, photos, etc.)
Please submit a description of your proposed topic and speakers below.
What we are looking for in our breakout sessions:
1) Relevance to the arts, cultural, heritage and creative sector in Southeastern CT
2) Diversity of topics and speakers, including geographic, ethnic, types of art forms, nonprofit and for-profits, audiences served, and programs, projects or products
3) Examples of hidden gems, innovative work, community impact, and successful business models
4) Professional development opportunities, including best practices and models/templates for collaborative programs or projects
5) Models of innovation, including overcoming challenges and adapting to changing times
6) Examples of social impact of the arts, including social justice, economic, public health, transportation, housing, environment, community development, education, etc.
Your Name
Your Title/Role
Organization or Business
Briefly describe the topic/content for your session.
Briefly describe how the topic/content is relevant, impactful, innovative, and/or important to highlight to the arts and culture community.
Please list the names of proposed speaker(s), including titles and organization/business if different than yours.
Please provide the link to your website, webpage, news article or information about the topic/content submitted.
The Cultural Coalition will be reviewing breakout session proposals and let you know in early fall.