Choose Colors & Backgrounds

Countless options for you to create your own masterpiece forms.

Easily create a form that will match your website and corporate look with our Theme Builder. You can even use some of our pre-made logos and backgrounds.

Add Your Logo

Brand your forms easily!

Upload your logo to our cloud storage, set spacing and alignment in a few clicks and make your form easily recognizable.

Myriad of Font Types

Utilize our collection of fonts to personalize your forms and surveys.

Choose from standard web fonts, plus over 200 advanced fonts for your titles, labels, and even field texts. All this without cross-browser compatibility or HTML coding.

Custom Submit Button

We provide you with ways to optimize your submit button text to improve conversion on your form.

Upload your own button image to our cloud servers and apply to any form with ease.

Use Our Ready-Made Themes

Select from a variety of themes available in our Theme Gallery. Whether you need something simple and classy or dazzling with fancy and colorful layout - our themes fit most of the occasions and purposes.

If you need something unique, edit easily any of the given themes.

Same Style for Forms & Reports

Copy your form theme and apply to reports. You can share your reports on the web so make them look nice and neat. Keep the consistency in style and bring life to your creations!

Advanced CSS Editing

For expert level customization we allow you to reference your own CSS.

Simply download the CSS styling kit from us and tweek it to your heart's desire. You can use advanced CSS3 animations and styling. Easily import your styles into your forms.