SEIU Local 73 HACC Contract Bargaining Survey
On March 31, 2012, our contract with the Housing Authority of Cook County will expire. We do not need to tell you that we face a battle to protect our jobs and current benefit levels.

Since the financial crisis of 2008 nearly every State and Local Government employer has taken aim at the workers to balance their budgets on our backs. Instead of cutting government waste from bloated management and failing private contractors, the trend has been to pick a fight with unions and their members.

Local 73 members provide an essential and vital services to the community and your value should be recognized. By filling out this survey, you will give us first-hand input as to how we can best focus on your critical issues in the battle for a fair contract.

Together We Can Win!

We must stay strong and united together to win the best possible contract. To do this, we need to know what issues are most important to you and what you are willing to do to help achieve your goals. Contract negotiations is a thoughtful deliberate process. Let us know what issues you want to fight for.


We appreciate your participation in the process and please encourage other members to take the survey as well.
  • How do you rate the following issues?

  • How do you believe that the HACC follows our currenct contract?

    Check yes or no to the following questions.
  • How does the Union do in enforcing the Contract & protecting member interests?

    A description of the section goes here.
  • Now that you have told us what you think about the contract issues, please indicate what you are willing to do to secure a first rate contract:

    Check all that apply
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