How to Treat Depression at Home

Depression is an emotional health problem that affects 1 in 10 adults in the United States. This medical condition affects a person's feelings, thoughts, and behavior. It can also lead to various problems both emotionally and physically. People who suffer from depression find it hard to concentrate on daily activities. Some even lose hope, thinking that life isn't worth living anymore. That's why depression-related suicide cases are alarming.


Depression is more than just feeling down in the dumps, a momentary bout with the blues. It could last a long time, thereby warranting long-term treatment. Nevertheless, it is treatable. Aside from medication and psychological counseling, other treatments could help someone battling depression. In fact, some of these treatments are found inside your home.

One revolutionary herbal treatment for depression is kratom or Mitragyna Speciosa, a derivative of the coffee plant. It is abundantly found in several Southeast Asian countries. According to some research, kratom can treat depression, which is why many people are wondering where to buy bulk Kratom.

Of course, the effectiveness of kratom in treating depends on three crucial factors - the type or strain of kratom (it has multiple strains), dosage, and usage intervals. If it's your first time to buy Kratom hoping to treat your depression, it's advisable to start low and just take about 2 to 3 grams of kratom. As for usage interval, it's better to take it as irregularly as possible (meaning not daily) or take it with other prescribed medication for depression.

It would help if you searched the Internet for information about kratom and try to know more about its effect on people battling depression. At any rate, here are a few more treatments for depression that you can find at home.


These delectable fruits, known to be one of the healthiest fruits in the world, are rich in vitamin B, phosphorous, and potassium. These nutrients are known to help the brain repair damaged nerve cells. Repairing damaged nerve cells can improve the function of the brain, in turn enabling it to help fight symptoms of depression. You can eat the apple as it is or juice it. You could also mix it with a cup of warm milk and honey.


Apparently, nutmeg functions like a brain tonic, stimulating the brain on its way to eliminate stress and fatigue. Nutmeg is also known to improve the overall mood of a person. It can help a person become more focused and efficient in school or at work. Best of all, it's all-natural, so the risk of any side effects is virtually zero.


Deficiency in B vitamins in the body can lead to various health conditions. One of these is depression, which may be caused by vitamin B6 deficiency. Vitamin B6 is vital to the body, as it helps develop serotonin and dopamine - mood-enhancing neurotransmitters. Chicken is a good source of vitamin B6, and consuming this can up the level of the above-mentioned hormones, thereby helping fight off depression.


The natural sugars which honey contains stimulate the brain and provide instant energy, thereby helping a person deal with low feelings brought about by depression. Honey likewise has the ability to relax frayed nerves. Honey also contains tryptophan, an amino acid that's considered a powerful sleep agent. Of course, getting enough sleep is a good practice that can contribute to the treatment of depression.

Hopefully, these suggested home remedies can help relieve you of your depression. However, make sure to consult with your doctor first before starting on any type of treatment.

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