Tips for Keeping Your Carpets in Top Shape
Because your home carpets are one of the few things that your visitors initially notice, it is very necessary that they always stay in top shape! Especially if you also have children who spend most of their time playing and crawling in your carpeted floors, your carpets need to be kept clean. Silver Olas offers exceptional service in carpet cleaning Carlsbad Ca and provides practical tips in keeping your carpets safe and sanitary.

carpet cleaning

Firstly, you have to vacuum regularly! If you wear shoes inside your home, soil and debris are deposited into the fibers of the carpet, not to mention the ones brought by your pets. If you vacuum at least once a week, you eliminate much of the soil and debris and keep them from going deep into the carpet. Vacuuming helps your carpets avoid spots and premature wear. You also have to regularly clean the filter of your vacuum cleaner as well as remove the hair and stuff from the front brush. You can learn more about regular carpet maintenance at the website of Silver Olas!

Secondly, you need to have your carpets professionally cleaned by Silver Olas at least once a year! They are equipped with latest industry tools that are capable not only of cleaning the carpet surface but also of eliminating dusts, mites, dander, stains, pollen, and other allergens and bacteria. Hundreds of customers go here because they guarantee expert carpet cleaning at the fiber level and are proven to extend the life of carpets. For more information, please visit today!
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