Fill in the form and state if you wish to enter the PHOTO COMPETITION for EVALUATION or become a FUTURE SPORTING STAR
Future Sporting Stars

Your Name *
Your Email Address *
Age *
You must be over 16 years old
Weight (Stone / Lbs / Kgs) *
Height (Ft / Cm) *
Gender *
Category *
What sporting activity are you involved in?* *
If other, then what sport is it?
How many days/week do you train for? *
What is your traning routine? *
E.g. Mon: Chest, 12 sets, Biceps, 6 sets
Do you do any cardio? *
If so, for how may days/week?
For how long per session?
What is your favourite body part to train? *
Explain why if you like. Max 50 words
What is your least favourite body part to train?
Explain why if you like. Max 50 words
How did you first get involved in your sport? *
Max 200 words
What is your typical days diet? *
How many weeks do you prepare for a show? *
What makes you a Future Sporting Star *
Max 200 words
List your competition history or sporting successes *
Who or what are your inspirations?
Max 100 words
What are your future goals in your sport? *
Max 100 words
Do you have a favourite quote or mantra?
If this is not a personal quote then credit the person if you know or write - Unknown Author after the quote.
Any additional information
Upload your photo *
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