
Your Name *
Your Email Address *
Favorite Item(s) *
 nursing cover 
 hair clips 
 baby boots (cozy-knee-highs) 
How do you prefer to purchase items? *
do you find the Essig Motif prices reasonable?
Please type below how much you would pay for the listed items
  on some items 
nursing covers *
baby boots (cozy -knee-highs) *
bow-ties (newborn, and regular)
mittens/no-scratch mittens
beanie hats
jingleball (several sizes)
hair clips
what items would you like to see featured in the store?
What new item would you like to see the essig motif come out with? (if you have an idea and I choose to make it you can recieve that item free)
how did you hear about
The Essig Motif?
*friends can recieve discounts and free items. So please include thier name and e-mail.
suggestions/ Questions/ Comments
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