• Thank you for your interest in the S.A.G.A. – Southern Alberta Greyhound Association. SAGA’s goal is to education people about retired Racing Greyhounds and to ensure that the dogs we find “Forever Homes” for are placed in the best environment for them.

    To make this happen, no Greyhound will be adopted out by SAGA unless we are 100% confident about the placement home. SAGA will follow these Greyhounds for their entire lives ensuring they remain in happy and safe environments.
    To purchase a 12 month SAGA membership, please send a cheque or money order in the amount of $10.00 payable to : Southern Alberta Greyhound Association and mail it to the address above.

    Please note that all membership begin September 1st and run through out August 31st of the same fiscal year. Any Memberships that are purchased outside of the September 1st will be not be pro-rated.

    It is up to the Member to ensure that their information on file with SAGA remains current. If your information is not up-to-date we will be unable to inform you of the AGM.

    Please spend a moment to fill out the form below, sign and send it in with your membership fee.

    1311 – 109 Avenue SW
    Calgary, Alberta T2W 0C8
    Charitable Registration No. 87662-9304RR-01
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  • *Unless otherwise indicated we will send you notice of the AGM via email.

    **Please also note that anyone attending the AGM must be a Member in good standing and be able to provide current proof that they are a Permanent Resident of Canada. If you are unable to provide this proof you will be unable to attend the AGM.
  • **Please be advised that due to the Societies Act of Alberta (Paragraph .36.1(2) pg.16) SAGA must keep a rolling list of all Members. We must, if requested, provide infornation on our Menbers. SAGA has put into place within its Bylaws (Special Resolution passed by the Board of Directors, March 6, 2011 to amend the Original Bylaws from July 25, 2003) that if such a request is made, we will ONLY proide our Member’s first initial and last name.
    SAGA is allowed to do this as the Societies Act allows for an exert of the members information to be provided.
    SAGA will protect all the Member’s infornation as required under the Freedom of Information Act as well as the Personal Information Privacy Act.
    We will not sell, give out or divulge and Member’s email address, mailing adress or phone number.

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