- Sponsorship
Did you know that is the TOP search result for “real estate podcast show” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Bing, YouTube, Instagram and many other sites? If you can imagine the biggest digital billboard on the planet, this is the reason I created this stage for us.

The audience is worldwide with the majority in Canada and the USA.

How well does the advertising work? If you look at the caliber of guests that have joined me, you will see the results. On a regular basis, I have many of the top real estate influencers on the planet asking to be a guest on my show. Only the right fit will be chosen to join me on the podcast.

Per-episode sponsorship is currently $4900 Canadian. The price goes up $1000 per year and will be $5900 Canadian in 2022. Due to the number of media requests I receive its best to apply and send payment 3-6 months in advance. And NO, I don’t ever do discounts. Don't even ask.

PS You MUST be comfortable joining me as needed on Zoom Audio recordings for the podcast show.

I check the sponsor form frequently, so please be patient and understand that only ~10% of sponsor inquiries are a match. If we are a match and have a space open in your area, I will certainly reach out.
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