High School Senior Ambassador Application
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  • (Ambassadors do not have to be models but do need to love their photo taken. The photo upload is merely to see how you act in front of the camera.)
  • I, ______________________________, realize that this program is geared to help promote Natalie’s Studio Photography and Design and, if chosen, I will not accept a representative position from another studio. Any violations of these terms will terminate this agreement and all outstanding balances will be due. I have read and understand all Ambassador materials (on the website or in person). I understand any photographs of me may be used for promotion for Natalie’s Studio in print or on the web. I realize I must provide 25 names and address of my fellow classmates to be an Ambassador.
  • I agree that my child can be a Natalie's Studio Ambassador. I realize that this program is geared to help promote Natalie’s Studio Photography and Design and, if chosen, my child will not accept a representative position from another studio. Any violations of these terms will terminate this agreement and all outstanding balances will be due. I have read and understand all Ambassador materials (on the website or in person). I understand any photographs of me may be used for promotion for Natalie’s Studio in print or on the web. I realize my child must provide 25 names and address of my fellow classmates to be an Ambassador.
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