Are you using Pinterest to promote your business? Pinterest has the potential to expose your brand to more users than you can reach without it.

But, why? You’re probably wondering just what all the fuss is all about. After all, the site is just a social place where people can share cupcake designs and crochet patterns, right?

Well, not so fast. While there is no shortage of DIY project plans and recipe ideas, there is more here than meets the eye.

What is Pinterest?

People sometimes ask the question: What is Pinterest? Don’t feel alone. It’s an often-misunderstood tool until you really grasp what it’s all about.

Yes, Pinterest is social in part. You can exchange ideas and give feedback on how well hacks worked. However, the company considers itself the premier visual search engine rather than a social media platform.

As such, the website should be an integral part of any company’s digital marketing plan.

What is Pinterest
Pinterest is like an image-based Google search engine.

Pinterest’s Global Head of Partners Program, Michael Akkerman, recently described the site as a “visual discovery engine” and explained that many users prefer discovery over search.

He went on to explain that Pinterest subscribers (aka “Pinners”) aren’t frequenting the site to chat with their friends or extend invites to special events. They are there seeking the solution to a problem.

People flock to this site because they know what they need, but they are still trying to find inspiration or an ideal solution.

If your company solves problems, then you should be
creating Pins for those who are discovering solutions.

Let gorgeous images speak for your brand and convince Pinners to click over to your website.

How to Use Pinterest

From a user’s standpoint

Knowing how to use Pinterest from a user’s standpoint is straightforward.

From a user’s perspective, picture the site as a giant visual aid. Each pinner segments into categories called boards. They pin ideas to the boards–”repinning” that content.

Some of the most popular categories are the following:

But, that doesn’t mean that those companies outside of those categories won’t achieve success. In fact, the sheer number of active monthly users suggests that if you Pin it, they will come.

The graph below, from Statista, proves that the number of users steadily climbs year after year. Please note that these are monthly, not yearly, active users.

Pinterest users over the years
Millions of your target users could be on Pinterest. Connect with them there.

Pinners are individuals with a wide variety of interests, and the more specialized your business is, the more you need this platform.

Regardless of your industry, you can benefit from Pinterest.

From a marketer’s standpoint

Fortunately, putting pins on the platform is relatively easy. However, it takes a wee bit of trial and error to learn precisely what those fickle users are looking for.

You create a Pinterest Business account (it’s free), create the pins using basic photo editing apps, create your own boards (those are your categories, just like users create), and add your products, images, or CTAs to the platform.

So, imagine you are a pet supply store. You sell specialty foods and supplies for cats, dogs, and birds. You would set up boards for each species. Indeed, you might even find success if you drill down further to capture specific niche markets, such as calico cats, poodles, and cockatoos.

Like all digital marketing, you want engaging content. So, rather than just tossing a handful of product images on your boards (although you certainly can include them), you’ll also want to produce funny memes, inspiring quotes, and in the case of our pet supply retailer, cute baby animal photos and videos.

That variety you need is where the trial and error comes in. Fortunately, Pinterest Business accounts gain free access to analytics. You will be able to achieve a clear picture of which pins perform well and which flop within a few weeks and adjust your content from there.

Remember also the “add to Pinterest” button to your website and every blog post to enable sharing. Including pin-worthy images with an “add to Pinterest” button in each post increases the chances that your content will be marketed with less effort on your part.

Tips for Creating Pin-Worthy Graphics

Pinterest users over the years
Create beautiful, branded pins to capture your target users.

To Sum it Up

Pinterest combines the engagement of social media
with the influence of a search engine.

Embracing it as part of your digital marketing plan is practically inevitable as visual search engines become more prominent.

While the learning curve takes a little bit of an investment of your time and energy, the outcome could be a much-needed boost in organic traffic.

Visual search engines are trending hot right now—and Pinterest is top at this game.

Pinterest digital marketing strategy

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Author Deborah Tayloe

Deborah Tayloe

Deborah is a blogger and freelancer who often writes for EmailMeForm. When she’s not blogging, you’ll probably find Deborah working on DIY projects around her home in North Carolina.

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